Mehran Sorourian
Trainings for Your Organization
✔ Interested in enhancing the communication skills of your employees and leaders?
✔ Looking to maximize efficiency and creativity among your diverse employees?
Select from the following training:
Communication training: I pair Effective Communication training with cultural bias training to enhance efficiency and teamwork in diverse teams. (Newest)
Effective Appreciation: This workshop trains your employees to appreciate themselves and others more effectively. Self-compassion has many benefits, such as: reducing anxiety and depression, enhancing resilience and ability to cope with difficult situations, and greater motivation. Appreciating others enhances teamwork, productivity, and a sense of belonging.
Understand & Manage Perfectionism: Perfectionists' burnout rates are high. Not only do they impact their own well-being, but also the workflow due to unachievable standards they set for themselves and others. We help perfectionists in your team understand and manage their perfectionism and train others to work effectively with perfectionists.